Where can I change the settings?

help | 10/11/2016 | Manuel Mendes

Inside the “company” menu you can access your settings. Settings

Any changes made here will be applied to every employee. Only employees with the “Admin” or “Human Resources” permissions are able to access this menu.

Here you’ll find 3 different areas.

  1. Reminders: Here you can setup email reminders and in-app notifications. Currently, these can only warn you about expiring contracts.
  2. Absences: Here you can add, remove and alter different types of absence.
  3. Holidays/Days-off: Here you can add, remove and alter the company’s holidays and days off. Working days: Here you can define the company’s working days as well as their weekly days off.

These 3 settings have a direct effect in the scheduling of employee absences/days-off.


Manuel Mendes

Marketing e criatividade são as 2 coisas que tenta sempre conciliar no seu trabalho. É digital por natureza e nunca diz não a bolo de chocolate!

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